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Strategic Value of Tracking in Logistics
Trucks form the backbone of logistics and supply chain operations. They undertake the most important task of moving material from one place to another in the quickest way possible.
Truck in Truck out - TiTo™ is an industrial IoT solution used to monitor the location of trucks and drivers for managing plant logistics and supply chain at factories and warehouses. With Syook TiTo it is possible to create paperless gate passes and get pre-approved truck information. This ensures major time savings at the gate which translates to additional profits and faster shipments.
Benefits of Tito:
Real-Time Bottleneck identification
Decreased waiting and travel times leading to reduced truck bills
Optimized utilization of in-facility docks and loading ramps
Higher accountability from the truck drivers/vendors
Less paperwork, predictable driving and resting times
In-App features:
Compliance Management
Heatmap and Replay functionality
GPS or LoRa Wan adaptability
Integration with existing WMS, SAP etc